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Rosen Plevneliev

Rosen Plevneliev

Republic of Bulgaria / President of (2012 – 2017)

Rosen Plevneliev is the fourth democratically elected Bulgarian President. Born on 14 May 1964. Graduated Technical University in Sofia, specializing computer science. 

Until 2009 Plevneliev is a successful entrepreneur. Implemented more than 80 construction projects in Germany. Co-founder and CEO of large-scale international real estate projects in Bulgaria such as Business Park Sofia and Residential Park Sofia.

Plevneliev entered politics in 2009 serving as a minister of regional development and public works. He introduced a new approach in the management of European Union funds; started thousands of projects for the modernization of the Bulgarian regions; elaborated a new long-term strategy for highway and road construction; initiated national energy efficiency programme.

Plevneliev was elected President of the Republic of Bulgaria in November 2011. His mandate was very difficult and demanding, during а time of an extraordinary instability in the region, Europe and around the world. 

Plevneliev initiated the National Development Programme Bulgaria 2020 and the Bulgaria 2030 debate. He set long-term national priorities such as innovations, e-government, e-voting, ambitious modernization programme, connectivity, vocational education system, long-term public planning, energy efficiency, liberalization and diversification. He established and is the patron of the first innovation ecosystem and the first hi-tech park in Bulgaria and on the Balkans – Sofia Tech Park. 

Plevneliev is patron of hi-tech industries such as Information and Communication Technologies, outsourcing and automotive.

Plevneliev received large international recognition and has been awarded the highest state orders and awards of twenty states. 

He is bearer of the European personality of the year in Southeastern and Central Europe award in 2015.

He was presented the Person of the Year 2015 award of Ukraine for his public and political activity in a European and international context.

He was awarded Friend of Zion Award as a great friend of Israel and for the courage of the Bulgarian people who bravely and courageously saved 48,000 Bulgarian Jews during World War II.
Ne was awarded IT Award for significant contribution to IT development by the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT).

He was awarded the international Nizami Ganjavi Award on account of his contribution to intercultural understanding, tolerance and respect for the world's cultural diversity.He was awarded the prestigious "ERI prix" Award of the Province of Lower Austria and the Danube University Krems for his contribution to preserving the diversity and equality of the regions on the path to united Europe.

Doctor Honoris Causa of the Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Baku State University.

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