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Raj Samani

Raj Samani

McAfee / Chief Scientist

Raj Samani is a McAfee Fellow and Chief Scientist at McAfee. His prior roles include VP and Chief Technology Officer, EMEA, at Intel Security/McAfee and Chief Information Security Officer for a large public-sector organisation in the United Kingdom. A leading international cybercrime expert, Samani has assisted multiple law enforcement agencies in cybercrime cases, and is special advisor to the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3/EUROPOL).

Samani volunteers as the Cloud Security Alliance EMEA Strategy Advisor, and is on the advisory councils for Infosecurity Europe and Infosecurity Magazine. Samani has published numerous security papers and is the author of 'Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid'.

Raj Samani is a sought-after speaker and regularly appears on television commenting on the top IT security issues driving headlines today.

He can be found on twitter @Raj_Samani

Raj's blog

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