Speaker's Application

Webit is hosting some of the world's brightest minds,
most impactful individuals and innovators speaking.

If you are one of them or you have a disruptive idea - share with Webit's audience of 15 000+ high impact business, policy & academia attendees.



Webit.Festival gives you a unique opportunity for networking with some of the top enterprise, policy and academia leaders from Europe and around the world.

Broader View

Broader View

Webit gathers top-level guests from all industries and gives you the opportunity to get a broad overview of all aspects of the world.

New Markets

New Markets

What Webit is growing as an ecosystem and community is truly unique globally because it involves people from new markets that you donโ€™t usually meet anywhere else.



Meet with the most innovative startups, selected among more than 3500 applications, and gain access to the best talent pool and disruptive ideas and technologies.

Speaking Formats

Keynote Speech

Keynote Speech

The Keynote Speech is a 15-minute individual public talk on Webitโ€™s stage during one of our parallel summits.

Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat

The Fireside Chat is a 25-minute dialogue between a moderator and a guest on Webitโ€™s stage which is a great interactive alternative to traditional presentations.

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

The Panel Discussion is a public debate on a topic that was set in advance between four participants and one moderator.

Workshop and Roundtable

Workshop and Roundtable

You may organize your own Workshop or Roundtable as part of Webit.Festival. We can save you all the hassle by providing you with the perfect venue,technical equipment and target audience.

In order to apply for speaker please fill in all the information requested below.

Fields marked with * are mandatory
1-3. Personal information

Including country code

JPG file. Up to 2 Mb file size

2-3. Participation details

Which of the summits at Webit fit your expertise and what will be the added value to the audience you believe they will have after your speech?

Provide a short description on the topic you want to cover up to 100 words

Provide a short summary up to 100 words

3-3. Additional information

Webit.Foundation needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services.
For information on our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy