Svilen Ivanov

Ruse region / Deputy Regional Governor

Svilen Ivanov

Svilen Ivanov is a deputy regional governor of Ruse region from 2017 up to now and he has an essential contribution in the field of innovation policy in Ruse region.

As a deputy regional governor he is also responsible for the development of tourism, culture, healthcare, administrative control, agriculture, public utilities and the business development of the region.

Furthermore his work is related with the elaboration and updating of the Regional strategy for development and he is concerned with the progress of the North-Central Planning Region of Bulgaria which includes the regions of Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Razgrad and Silistra (on a rotation basis).As a part of his daily work he keeps in touch with lots of institutions, closely related with the cross-border prosperity of Romania and Bulgaria. Svilen Ivanov studied at “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse and he is a master of Law and also a master of Economic management.He is a member of the Ruse Bar Association from 2003.

He was a municipal councilor in the city of Ruse from 2009 to 2011. Immediately after that he became a deputy-mayor of Public Utilities at Ruse Municipality up to 2014. It should be mentioned that Svilen Ivanov was also a member of the Bulgarian Parliament from 2014 to 2017.