Lazar Radkov

Live To Lift / Founder

Lazar Radkov

Ten years ago Lazar Radkov founded a sports club called Live To Lift and since than his colleagues and himself have helped over 4000 people improve their health, conditioning and quality of Life.

In 2017 Lazar initiates a national campaign called 30 for 30 aiming at motivating as many Bulgarians as possible to become more physically active and to start practicing some kind of sport. In only a year Lazar manages to motivate more than 50 000 to start practicing some kind of physical activity.

But what he is most famous for is his campaign "Caps for Future" where only in an year and a half he together with the other founder Martina and many volunteers manage to gather and recycle over 140 000 kg if plastics (over 140 Tons) and with the money to provide 17 baby incubators for 17 small municipality hospitals where the incubators used towards be from the 70s and 80s from the last century.

During the time if the campaign Lazar and his helper manage to motivate hundreds if thousands of people to gather plastics Caps, and thousands of people to use less plastic and to the different garbage materials separately.