Business News is a prominent and recognized voice for business globally. As a Balkans business resource, we provide up-to-date daily news and weekly reviews, market research, financial reports, company news linking and database of companies who do business in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. In addition, our notable industry news section provides detailed information on business happenings for over 30 specific industries. Our readers are high-level executives, business leaders, educational institutions, investors, business owners and government institutions throughout the world.

The business-only website in English, Serbian and Greek keeps our readers up-to-date with its comprehensive coverage of the region, in-depth analysis of industries and business opportunities, interviews with business leaders, special reports and a searchable database.

Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Official Transportation Partner: Strategic industry partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: Official interpreter partner: PR partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Organized by: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey :