Balazs Gandera

Balazs Gandera

Webit Speaker, CEO and head of Digital @ INTREN Ltd


  • MSc in Computer Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economies, 2002.
  • CEU Business School MBA, 2009.
  • Executive courses at Harvard Business School, 2009.

  Key facts:

  • Managed complex campaigns in foreign environments, experience in localization and custom made online branding.
  • Responsible for the online strategy of multiple leading brands in Hungary, including Ferrero, Raiffeisen Bank, Heineken, Nescafé and METRO cash&carry.
  • Balazs’s team is deeply involved in performance based campaigns, hardcore Analytics, online ad optimization and conversion boosting.
  • Growing client base for social and mobile applications, including branded Facebook games, apps and ads.
  Professional background:
  • Regular speaker on professional conferences:
  • Google Seminar Leader - official trainer since December, 2009.
  • Participants on Balazs’s Google trainings: more than 200 persons by now.
  • Google Certified Professional (GCP)
  • Multiple appearances on “Think with Google” workshops.
  • Professional supporting partner of Google and Budapest Bank’s development program for SMEs in 2011.
  • Winner of Golden Like award for optimizing the social campaigns of Ferrero Hungary.
  • Multiple winner of audience awards on SuperSocial 2011, Budapest. 


Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Official Transportation Partner: Strategic industry partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: PR partner: Official interpreter partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Organized by: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey :