
Korrespondent.net is Ukraine's №1 news web-site. Site provides its readers with independent news on major and most interesting events in Ukraine and the world. It provides news on Ukraine and world politics, business and economy, health and sport. In 2010 the site presented renewed and expanded business section - Korrespondent.biz, which is informing readers about stock market, finance, economics, IT and media market etc.

Webit Congress Diamond Sponsor: Silver Sponsor & DevCamp Partner: Main Marketing Stage Gold Sponsor, StartUp Gold Partner, DevCamp Partner & Webit Awards Partner: Main Marketing Stage Gold Sponsor, StartUp Village Gold Sponsor: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor: Diamond sponsor GamesVille: Official Hosting Sponsor: Gold sponsor of StartUp Village, Gold sponsor of Creative Lounge: Gold sponsor Creative Lounge: Diamond Media Partners: Platinum Media Partners: TV Production partner: Silver sponsor: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Organization partner: Event technology partner: Official interpreter partner: PR partner: Strategic partner: With the support of: Catering partner: Social media and interactive media partner: Organized by: