
Gianluigi Me

Gianluigi Me

Webit Speaker, Major of Carabinieri Law Enforcement at Carabinieri Headquarters

Gianluigi Me, Ph. D., is a Major of Carabinieri Law Enforcement at Carabinieri Headquarters. After holding positions in Strategic ICT section and Advanced Mobile Applications program, he is now Director of Carabinieri National Digital Investigations training and Program manager of Territory Control System Program, supporting more than 150 department with advanced ICT investigative tools and methodologies.
Furthermore, he is Adjunct Professor of Computer and Network Security at the Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Computer Engineering Department (DISP). He is co-editor of the “Handbook of electronic security and digital forensics”, Worldscience Publisher and more than 50 scientific publications. His research interests include mobile computing applications and security, digital forensics, electronic/mobile payments and game theory.

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