Dr. George Sharkov was born in 1961 in Pleven, Bulgaria. He graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at Sofia University, obtained PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), specialized in applied informatics, research in biophysics and genetics (Lab of Genetics, Gent, Belgium), enterprise information systems and architectures. Since 1994 he has been leading international software teams and projects for banking and finances, online trading and auctions, e-business, internet exchanges and B2B markets, innovative e-trading solutions. Currently, he is Regional Manager for Eastern Europe of European Software Institute (ESI), Bilbao, Spain (
www.esi.es), Member of the Board of ESI, and Managing Director of ESI Center Bulgaria (
www.esicenter.bg). He is also instructor in SPI (Software Process Improvement), software engineering quality and management, implementation of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration, SEI), accredited IT Mark appraiser (information security, business maturity and quality of processes), researcher in Cryptography and Information Security (
www.cryptobg.org) and lecturer in Software Engineering and Quality at Sofia University.
He was Chairman of BASSCOM (Bulgarian Association of Software Companies) from 2001 to 2007, currently, he is Member of the Board. Initiator and promoter of the regional ICT branding and competitiveness initiative. Founder of the ICT Cluster Bulgaria.