
Sponsorship options

Webit eGov Summit for the regions of Danube and Southeastern Europe provides unmatched platform for exposure to the e-Government and e-Services sectors in the regions of South East Europe and Danube. Please contact us for information on sponsorship opportunities.

PR Opportunities at Webit eGov Summmit

There are several ways to increase your exposure and public relations opportunities while at Webit eGov Summit. These benefits are available to sponsors. Here is a brief highlight of the opportunities available:

Media List

Press and blogger attendance will be limited to the industry's top influencers from publications and websites. Each press and blogger application is carefully screened to ensure that only the most qualified media with the most relevance to your company and the Internet industry attend Webit eGov Summit.

The list of confirmed press, bloggers, and other media will be available about a month before the conference and updated weekly to allow for advance work scheduling interviews. It will be distributed only to sponsors.

Inclusion in Press Releases

There are several official press releases that will mention sponsors and speakers of Webit eGov Summit. They will be distributed to the large network of media groups covering the event in the regions of Danube and South East Europe.

Inclusion in "News & Coverage" on Website

Please be sure we get a copy of whatever announcement(s) you are planning for the conference. We will be sure that they are posted on our website.

Distribution of News

There is no better occasion to make an announcement, launch a product or roll out a new strategy than Webit e-Gov Conference. If you have news scheduled, please do the following:

  • Dateline and/or headline should include "Webit eGov Summit"
  • Be sure to include links to the conference website
  • Provide a copy of the release in advance to so we can be sure the conference messaging is accurate

Media Interviews

There will be interview space set aside at the conference. It will be available to sponsors for interviews with the attending media.

Media Workroom

There will be a room dedicated as workspace for the media. Sponsors will have the option to put press kits or releases on the table in the room.

Please contact us for the sponsorship options and packages.

Organized by: Under the patronage: Platinum sponsor: Gold sponsor: Media partners: Partners: Technical partner: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Strategic partner: With the support of: