
Angela Russo

Angela Russo

Webit Speaker, Head of International Relations, Consip SpA

Born in Naples (Italy) on August 9, 1965
Degree in Foreign Literature and Languages (English and French)
Present position: Head of International Relations, Consip SpA

Professional experience
Since July 2001 she has been working for Consip, the Italian Public Procurement Agency - entirely owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance - in charge of  setting up a national public procurement and eprocurement system  aiming at the rationalization of public spending on goods and services.

During her experience in Consip she has been working in the following fields:
  • Communication and Marketing expert (high profile communication activities such as drafting of the yearly communication plan and annual report, organization of high visibility national and international meetings on public procurement, account management activities towards top and major clients)
  • Speaker at national and international workshops and conferences on egovernment and eprocurement (promoting the e-procurement activity carried out by Consip and increasing awareness on the new Italian public procurement scenario)
  • Coordination and handling of foreign delegation visits to Consip  (knowledge sharing)
  • Coordination of best practice exchange programmes with public and eprocurement experts of foreign PP agencies to enhance knowledge sharing (Korea, Finland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria…)
  • Participation to EU Twinning Projects as public procurement senior expert:
  • In Turkey - from February 2006 to July 2006 – participation in the Twinning Project “Further Strengthening of the Public Procurement System in Turkey”
  • In Bulgaria – from July 2006 to July 2008 – participation in Twinning Project “Further Improvement of the Public Procurement System in Bulgaria”
  • Since March 2007: expert in International  Projects for the Research and Development Division
  • Since November 2007: Consip project leader in the implementation of the Italian Action Plan on E-Procurement
  • Since July 2008: Head of International Relations Unit
Before joining Consip she worked for ten years in the public sector, more precisely at the International Affairs and Cooperation Department, of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).
The main activity, aiming at the development of scientific international cooperation, consisted in handling bilateral agreements on scientific and technological cooperation, with homologous international research bodies and academies representing France, GB, Egypt, Turkey, Canada, Japan, Korea etc….
She has lived and studied in London (UK) from 1974 to 1977 and in Bruxelles (Belgium) from 1984 to 1985.

Organized by: Under the patronage: Platinum sponsor: Gold sponsor: Partners: Media partners: Technical partner: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Strategic partner: With the support of: