
Alexander Tsvetkov

Alexander Tsvetkov

Webit Speaker, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Bulgaria

  • University of National and World Economy, International Economic Relations, Magister
  • University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Magister 
  • 9th French Gymnasium - Sofia

2008 - July 2009
Municipality Sofia Transport infrastructure, Head of Transport infrastructure Directorate

Mart 2008 - June 2009
"Parking lots and Garages",Head of the Directors Council
 Sofia Municipal Privatization Fund, Board Member

2006 - 2008
Municipality Sofia, Transport infrastructure, Director of Directorate
2001 - 2006
Executive Agency "Roads", Head of Department
1995 - 2001
Head Office "Roads", Deputy Head of  Directorate

1994 -1995
Head Office "Roads", Head of Department

Head Office "Roads", Chief Specialist 

LANGUAGES               English, French, Russian
PERSONAL DATA        Date of birth: August 26, 1967
Marital Status:            Married with two children

Organized by: Under the patronage: Platinum sponsor: Gold sponsor: Partners: Media partners: Technical partner: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Strategic partner: With the support of: