Sotiris Koussouris
Đ•xpert in information systems and telecommunication technologies with special skills in areas like eGovernment technologies and applications etc.
Dr. Sotiris Koussouris holds a PhD Degree in Information Systems and Business Process Management, a Dipl. Eng. in Computer and Electrical Engineering and a MBA in Techno-Economic systems.
He is an expert in information systems and telecommunication technologies with special skills in areas like eGovernment technologies and applications, eParticipation, Social media, Business Process Re-engineering and Business Process Modelling for organizations, IT Consulting in private and public sector, Telecommunications Management, Management and Monitoring of domestic and EC co-founded projects.
Over the last years, he has work on numerous EC and Domestic funded projects including CROSSROAD, MOMENTUM (eParticipation Specific Support Action), FEED, WEB.DEP, the Greek eGif, GENESIS, the Greek Interoperability Centre, but also in various private sector projects.