David Broster

Head of Information Society Unit, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission

David spent 15 years as a designer, developer and researcher in the semiconductor industry before joining the European Commission's ESPRIT Microelectronics in 1989 where he had  responsibility for the EU contribution to the JESSI Programme (1990-1996). From 1999-2002 he worked in DG Information Society's Strategy Unit with responsibility for setting up the IST Advisory group ISTAG and the development of the notion of Ambient Intelligence and a budget of 400M€ dedicated to cross-IST-Programme research activities.  In 2003 he was appointed Head of Unit for the eTEN Programme and an annual budget of 45M€ supporting the validation and deployment of electronics services in the public interest, including eGovernment, eHealth, eInclusion, eLearning, Trust & Security, and services for small and medium enterprises.  In 2007 David formed the unit "eGovernment and CIP Operations" and was responsible for Europe's eGovernment Action Plan and the operational preparations for launching the "ICT Policy Support Program" (ICTPSP) - a key pillar of the Commission's new Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP).
Since summer 2008 David has worked at the Commission's Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, where he is currently leading the Information Society Policy Research Unit which undertakes Techno-Economic and Socio-Economic research responding to challenges and supporting key Information Society policies.  The scope of the research ranges from ICT industry research intensity, digital economy through to  electronic identity, search, personal health systems, social computing, inclusion and the use of IT for enhancing learning and skill development.