Sponsor Metrix and Big Data Conference

Webit Metrix Conference gives you the chance to affiliate your brand with a major international gathering of top decision makers & influencers, as well as an optimal platform for international expansion.

This is your chance to position your products and services in front of a very targeted audience and show how analytics & measurement can substantially aid the decision-making process.

Who should sponsor:

  • Web analytics consulting services and solutions providers
  • Hosted applications providers
  • Education providers
  • Digital communications providers
  • Direct & database marketing providers
  • Promotions and shopper marketing providers
  • Software and services vendors
  • Digital intelligence and measurement consulting firms

  • Visitors

    ATTENDEES of the Metrix and Big Data Conference (visitors profile):

    300 high level delegates:

    • CMOs, Marketing VPs/Directors/Managers
    • Web/Mobile/Digital Analysts
    • Business Intelligence Experts
    • CIOs/CTOs
    • IT Directors/Managers
    • Data Architects


    ATTENDEES of the whole Webit Congress (visitors profile): Visitors Statistics | Shortlisted Delegates



    Become a Sponsor