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Andrey Kolodyuk

Andrey Kolodyuk

Co-founder & Managing Partner, AVentures Capital

During the last 20 years, he has founded, financed and developed more than ten companies with total revenues exceeding US$1B. Among his most notable projects are Unitrade (retail), (retail), Ukrainian Software Consortium (software), Softpress (publishing), Universal Telecom (telecom) and DK Zvyazok (media). 
Andrey is founder and CEO in Divan.TV– the first OTT TV service provider, established in 2009 to provide its services to Russian-speaking community worldwide (300M people), including Ukraine and Russia.

Since November, 2014 Andrey is a Chairman of UVCA (Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equite Association)
Andrey holds a PhD in Law from Koretsky Institute of State and Law (Ukraine) and bachelor degrees from Kyiv Politechnical Institute (Ukraine) and Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (Ukraine)

Andrey has been active in building the entrepreneurial community in Ukraine and Russia since 90s. In recognition of his efforts, the World Economic Forum nominated Andrey as a Young Global Leader in 2008.

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