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Ilias Iakovidis

Ilias Iakovidis

Adviser in DG Connect, EU Commission

Ilias Iakovidis, PhD, is currently working on the role and impact of digital innovation for Societal Challenges such as demographic change, sustainability of the health and social care systems, energy efficiency, mobility etc. 

Until mid-2016 Ilias was Acting Head of the 'Digital Social Platforms' unit of DG CONNECT that supported research and innovation in ICT for active and healthy ageing. He led the coordination of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Active and Healthy Ageing that aims to increase healthy live years of EU citizens by 2020, improve the efficiency of the social and health systems, and foster new economic opportunities. 

From end-2010 to mid-2012 he was Acting Head of ICT for Inclusion unit of DG CONNECT where he also managed the work on eAccessibility, eSkills and digital literacy including the development of the Web Accessibility directive that has been recently adopted by Member States.

From 2003 to 2010, he was Deputy Head of the unit ICT for Health of DG INFSO with main responsibility in defining and implementing EU eHealth research strategy (€ 100 Mil/year). He has launched new research areas such as Virtual Physiological Human and worked on policy and support to large scale deployment of eHealth in EU. Ilias was coordinating the international cooperation with non EU countries.

Ilias has a PhD in Applied Mathematics in medicine (USA) and postdoctoral training in biomedical engineering (Canada). He continues to publish, give lectures at major international conferences, seminars and universities. In 2001 he has been elected fellow of American College of Medical Informatics for his contribution to the field.

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